Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
The BSA is a great organization if you want to learn about the outdoors and meet new friends. They never give up. They are free to join in and they will help you when you need help. You will never be left out, you will always have something to do even if there is nothing else to do, and you help your community through community service. There are many thing I could say about the BSA but not in one paragraph so ill do it in three.
The BSA will camp outside rain, snow, or shine once a month. They pick great places to camp and sometimes you can fish or swim. They even hold special campouts that include fun events that other troops can join in and compete for a prize. There is even a ten day campout were you meet other troops from around the states. So just to sum this up you camp a lot and you meet old and new friends almost all the time.
There are many things called merit badges that you can earn to show what you can do. They show you know what you are doing. Merit badges also earn you privileges when you get older like when you are fourteen and you have a certain merit badge you can shoot shotguns and drive a motor boat. So just to sum it up you earn merit badges you get rewarded.
There are seven ranks you can advance through and here they are in order from lowest to highest: scout, tenderfoot, second class, first class, Star scout, life scout, and Eagle scout. Now the ranks take a healthy mind and body to advance through but it is worth it. If you are an eagle and you apply for a job and they see you got eagle they see you know what you are doing and it gets you a good job and it could pay for your college.
Well that is what I know from experience in scouting. I encourage you to join scouting and live the thrill of being a scout. I will sum it up you camp and meet new friends a lot, you earn lots of merit badges, and you can prove you know what to do by advancing through many ranks. Well hope my essay encourages you to join scouting.
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